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Writer's picture: St Anne's ClinicSt Anne's Clinic

DNA Paternity Testing is the best evidence one can obtain to ascertain whether the father is the natural (or biological) father of a child or not. The Personal Paternity Test can be carried out as comparative test between two samples, one of which is that of the alleged father. However such results are not legally admissable in Court. Legal Testing is carried out by consentual gathering of samples by an uninterested third party following an established protocol. It can also be ordered by the Law Courts. Tests to determine paternity can also be carried out using other close family members coming from the same lineage (grandparents, brothers etc.) Samples are usually collected using oral swabs. Alternatively, DNA may be collected from non-standard specimens which can include cigarette butts, razor blades, pacifiers, finger nails, cups and mugs, plaster, gloves etc. 


How does the test work? The new method, powered by Parental Support Technology, enables paternity testing via a simple blood collection from the pregnant mother and alleged father. Advanced processes are used for DNA detection to create a unique blueprint specific to the mother, the fetus and the alleged father. Blueprint comparisons determine precise paternity results. What is the Prenatal Paternity process? Call the St. Anne's Clinic to discuss your personal situation. Schedule an appointment. Test is available from 8th week to term. It involves a simple blood collection from the mother and oral swabs from the alleged father. Results within 1 week from all samples being received. 

TWIN ZYGOSITY TESTING It can be difficult to tell whether twins are identical or fraternal. Fraternal twins of the same sex may have very similar features, while identical twins can have distinct physical features that enable others to easily differentiate between them. A twin zygosity test can quickly reveal with certainty whether twins are fraternal or identical. We compare the twins’ DNA profiles - identical twins will have exactly the same profile. Determining Twin Zygosity at birth, identical twins share one placenta, while fraternal twins have separate placentas. However, the placenta may be damaged during the birthing process, so that the doctor cannot determine twin zygosity. Many adults may also take the twin zygosity test - their medical records might have been lost, or some twins may have been separated at birth. In such cases, a twin zygosity DNA test is the most precise and convenient test and indeed the only option. Health Implications of Twin Zygosity: Many patients take the twin zygosity test just to satisfy their curiosity. There are other health benefits from taking the test. Knowing your complete medical history, including twin zygosity, is always important in the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of disease. Identical twins are also perfect organ donors for each other, should such a need arise. 

Tested Parties: in a twin zygosity test, only the twins need to be tested. Twin zygosity testing compares the DNA of two twins to determine whether they are identical or fraternal. Identical twins are identical in every way, including identical DNA. Hence, it can be conclusively determined if twins are identical. Identical Twins When one egg is fertilized by one sperm cell, and then divides and separates, two identical cells will result. These cells will then develop into identical twins. The DNA profiles for identical twins will be identical. Additionally, the physical attributes of identical twins will seem similar for traits such as hair colour, hair texture, eye colour, height, and weight. They must also be of the same sex. Fraternal Twins When two eggs are independently fertilized by two different sperm cells, fraternal twins result. The DNA profiles for fraternal twins will not be identical, and they are just like full-siblings that are born at different times. Furthermore, if the two sperm cells originated from 2 different men then the twins would be like 2 half-siblings. Additionally, the physical attributes of fraternal twins may not seem similar for traits such as hair colour, hair texture, eye colour, height, and weight. They also may not be of the same sex. The Twin Zygosity DNA Test is used to establish DNA profiles for the twins being tested. If the profiles are different, then the twins are fraternal, and if the profiles are identical then a probability of being identical twins is calculated.

For more information and to set up an appointment please contact St Anne Clinic on 2149 3553. Appointments are arranged at the clients' convenience and full confidentiality is assured. 


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